The Urbana Daily Courier from Urbana, Illinois (2024)

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The Urbana Daily Courieri

Urbana, Illinois

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LAST TIMES TODAY (PrO hgEAyj XC WITH (Qirowunip AY WRAY (faun GARY COOPER THE? SGIOJ? or tm CGNDEMNID A WILLIAM AWEUMAN moucne Special Added Jr eatures ZVgSHTl 3 I 1 greats sj Mat zSr Eve 15 5C THE URBANA DAILY COURIER Hsna swna am liye CQMGSS A LW SW (f those who Jl IHS VIC77 ill in 7244 solve it1 al tempt to and natuie leqiui in Circus Horses a wk refill Envoy (James Choice' ISHER Continuous 1 to 11 it te that the me (Elizabeth ('irons Wilson) (Boston 5c Prices 15c Thursday the BONDVILLE Hear No Advance in Prices Bobbins Wild Animal TABLOIDS I and Jiahmnn CLOWNS amt an I uni! Agri Mr tlii ir lurn ut REE Auto Show on Circus Grounds Illinois Central Subscribe tor (ho Courier iwaMpaiCN zoo dtecos ryicowgst MAMMOTH PAGEANT ami running skies Willi white o' wu it iiiai liy us mom The Earnurs' Co operative Shippin company shipped a ear of mixed cat tie nil Monday jnMie if in oblem THIS BEAUTIUL WORLD Charlie Wilson The Loose Nut in Brazilian Banquet LUDLOW SCHOOL TO HOLD TRY OUT ON THURSDAY Iteuhi tnv oi Ii nt the home Mr am: Rif Sunday bea ti ns this Inis I shall be Also The Gumps in Much Sleep and Mrs 1 McJilton Mrs Lyle were can ii liliirant attended Scottish Sunnily atlei ALONG TRAIL Miss A in of rlooniimitoi lit Siindnv here with her parvnts Mr and Mis Irvin Piiiliii of De catnr sm nt Smidiv with Mi and Mrs Thursday riday Richard Barthelmess in Usual Prices world Is llfill It JlHS tl 6 il er 1 ball and hasebitll and Irishman at St Louis miver Dahmati scored the touchdown which enabl'd tor the trint tin Ji ish to beat Southern ('alrfm nii SHO' DAILY 2100 60 RM JACK ADAMS CONTRACT OK Urick Work mJ Cement Wark A Specialty 709 Noith Harris Champaign II Last Times Today Bob Carter Aalbo Sisters and Co Youth Beauty and Talent Revue TWICE ITS for mg Last Showing Today Vm Haines Joan Crawford in Also Comedy News Admission 10 25c Benefit with rvlauvi Mr and airs John Van Sickle an lamilv spent Sunday in Mansfield with Mr am! Mrs II Allen 11 Ai cii 25 I rpieiil i Mrs Orval llmnm visited night ami Sunday in Joli't and Mrs (1 Gilmore By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK peon ut Men LniitrtUj lllinolt JI mis Ifilm Rurromdis who lii'licr world I hale never iiiitit cxlumst the Mis Hnriv Johnsim and son Janv cnarl Mr Ludlow 111 Apnl 25 The high school will hold its juglmi inary contest Thursday night in Hie Christian church at file win ners of thiij contest will compete in tile il'eet lit St JO: SltU day MiVtJ tallow rip program will be given: Oration rhe Unknown Soldier" (Ernie Ear ton) Max Leith "Spartaus to the Homan (E Siirrejlt l( Austin Kirk "Master of ields I llavmcnd Smith Vocal music "Happy Song i Pel liu'go) "When Love Is Done 'iec (12 Mel can) Harold Peaison Churns Serenade" Ambrose) "Lillie Gray Home in the Wj'st" iLohr) Eva Collie Dorothea Cottle Mamie Min'yard Edna Dollie Qt Bonnie Leith Wilma Briggs Belli Briggs and Mabel Shoaf Declamation "At Hie Dim dan) Ilmli Bria: "Sammv Sees His irst (Boston Globe) Leslie Good "At a Bridge I Evelyt Wilma Buggs The feckle aced Girl" Globe) Dorothea Cottle LOW RATE EXCURSION $500 CHICAGO AND RETURN GOING Dckits oond for incess HEATRE REAL ESTATE TRANSERS lli iirv Setder to doe amt Emma Darnell Its ii and 7 11k 2 sub blks I tn i oi'ii: inal town Broadlands S'lllll Catharine 1 Burr io Mary Noble It I blk Hale's 2nd add Philo $1 William 11 llagley to Alvina Karrer nart ot It 2 sub It I sub ot Champaign Thursday May 3 Insurance i Agency 1 Insurance and Real Eatt 134 Main St Vrbm PiwMp 7 1334 7 1047 Mrs John lagcl oi week end with Harlan la in and Mr nd I i miltl mu begin to I line due the d' lights of thi mm I have fmltld ill It deep belieii I mp worh: wilt a wm an end 1 ies uf iiulilill womli rtill hirevol th'V ilig out of ItseJ Mr and Mrs rank Hill spent cnd in Clinton 111 Mr and Mrs Chilord Alien liiiiighter Smidavwith Mrs Both Mr and Mrs It Kidd and fam ily visited in Danville Sunday at the home oi Mr and Mis HUph Maddox Carroll Dowd and Arline Colleen of iona spent Sunday wltn ii parents Dr ami Mrs Il Dowd Mrs William Jackson entertained at a partv tor her granddaughter Doris Jackson in honor of her sixth tiiith I I'tmiini nil Mr and 2drs C'iud Trot AV 1 Davis lay in the Bloomington Mr amt at itriitiy wiih Mr Mr an and Mrs Passion In noon Mr and Mrs I) It Bloomington Sitmdni Willard llmse man ii turned home with them to spi ml Sunday Mi and Mrs Ben Kottman and Miss Tin Ima Kin ot Melun wore callers town Sunday Mr and Mrs Isaac lleisi and son Ervin spent Sunday wiin Mr in I Mrs Albert l(eiser irr Itantoul I Stevenson went io Decatur Monday to take a position in a gar reaker carried tlm Ainicuis 11 to 6 win live rtlie Bosiim lo mix Hauser two hoim fs amis millions nnrt of the i xiivtise ouv eminent 'H wikm loves 1 JIo make ihHHiways an land thus used and Il IC 'I this county for the and in addition BlJ benefits 1 MONEY TO LOAN On Horses Cattle arm implements Automobiles and other property or collateral GLENN BROWN Loan Co 37 Main St Champaign Ill Miimliv Mia Ii hn Mi Elr v' spent Monday atternnon in champaign on business II Wilscn vi as a Di'catur visitor it da altei noon Mr I Bawling spent Smulav in Decatur where she visited ht aunt Im i i ill I Miss spent the week end lmnipaigii vvith friends Mrs 1 spent Monday atfernnon in Clniiipalan is irio Davi ot Montii eiln was isitor here Monday aiieinnon rs retuined to De catur Monday morning attei a short visit with Mr and Mrs Young Mis il Samnoison spent Monday a fl ci noon in Champaign Ad itn Dunlap nt Seymour was a vis itor hew Mommy morning Miss (Iforgie Bay Mitchell of Ross ville was a week end guest at Young home Mrs Anrtliv ho was called i to Giieot i is expected home in a few and of near Champaign visited Two Slep Dancing by Di lores i Marlon Hazen Bi ttv Jean lb drh Ih len Hope amt Wanda Barrett Ib ttv June Crooks an lovce airlield It' I Martin is still conllmd to Ills lird with intestinal tin Mr ami Mr were Mi 1 1 A uirtivld ot Springfield visited Sunday at the home ot Mr and Mrs diaries airlield Mr ami Mrs Bowen df Kewanee Ill are vlslliim nt lib limn ot tin ir danahti Mrs Hinton and tanv AMERlCA A THREE HERDS OP ELEPHANTS I apgestcrcus MWriZLOGNlUG TjyY snear yfflH in PERORMING LIONS lv mid III I' of he irilmite niliulier "I imlutiil obj'i ts nleml is true of plants is even true ot 1 had seen relics bv the hundred bm king Rantoul Ill April (Specnil) ll Jackson will entertain the I members of the Twin Six club tn her home on West Champaign avenue Hus evening The tv ature of i ntenam mi nt will be bridge A luncheon will bn set cd by tlm )io tesS St loms Mo Will II Pivlo ns as sociated with Pyle imiUiiSO meiit of tlm trans cmitineutal to" dorbv atmounitd here that St Imtis had been nbamioned tor a point ot the race riday Ea St Louis 111 St 11 Jin in kv reient Notin Dame toolball another IO his long String oi mo nan when Im twilled the Cardinals to a ball a to 2 win over the Beds held the Reds seoreb ss i seven innings After a shaky start rrh nd uihio i hl I alid Whistling Dick Charlton The human mocking bit person See Him and Mrs Mrs Walter Sloan Mr and Mrs Karl Donahue tnmilv Bi lltlowi'i spent Sunday at the huim ot and Mrs Guv Ra 1 1 Mr ami Mis A I) Sizer ami fam ily of Champaign vnred Svndav with lb termer's brother Donald Sizer and family Misses Laura Atm Eovd aim Mildre 1 Tike Vk tor Birkhi'ltz and Arthur McArty of Champaign spent the in ern! heri at tin home of Mj and lari nee Ems Mr ami Mrs Albert ami tam A Trip The Atlantic with Monte Blue There are forty horses in the cir rus arena of the Robbins Broa and they do almost anything from a shimmy to Jumping over another horse Tho fount pronounced stm er ta recently front Ituly harf the must trained horses known to the con tinent of Europe ami of America These horses perform in the ring in various acts and every time tliey do so recognize as Laving ability far In access to anything heretofore Known The liberty horse also has ar act that is novel mid wonderful: it deliberately jjuraps over another horse clearing it with the ease oi a veteran The circus which comes to this town is the hugest in the world giving a free stiect parade flv 'il Yesterdays Babi Luili got his fi ond and third hmm the season off Horace Lisciilii Wash irigton hurler Herb Pennock tho Yankee's paw ace let the Senaims iovvn wiia but three hits in deteivtng ihrnn I Lismbee was reached tm e' hlts three of which aecomitid tor "I of the Yankee rims A crowd of but 7x2 paid uistomciJ saw Grover Cleveland Alexitidei add another to his long string oi viinnnt series with Cleveland when Johnny Ogden allowed the Indians seven hvatteied lilts to win tl to 2 Nine hits accounted for all ot the runs In their 7 to di at ot therirates Stephenson and Hartnett lilt homers Singles by Metzler mid Barrett and a sacrilieo fly by atk in the tinin Inning brought Chicago a 5 to 4 vic tor over Detroit A powerful offensive led by Tris R()WN IRON AND METAL COMPANY Clean I Week A you me cleaning up your mimes and yajJs this week remember that a lot of the Sunk around hie and if there is anything brooks ami bbi lle clouds iK i'ii iIh: sky had had for Jiim a fa In evv t'v ilefiiil of miltiro be lipl found sat 1 fmi ion ami iloliglit Tin sordid Hess and ng is all I hut WAYNE REA iriNNETH UUC1 MEMBER of the united press The Champaign ounty The UrMna Courier estab hid The Urbana Couricr Heraid stablished 1 Jk I i wl" pbate notify this office by at wich the public is ex All notices or socials 1 jn The Daily Courier imeted to pay lohserB ergto not receive a for that purpose more than satis fied a wot wm hl mo jiciqih lire conscious in vet to It is I it ienorafit that vi: do nol WATCHING THE I SCOREBOARD tlon It tnakint supvlnant'' biliiv ami em ls lplis ie 11 lm a Oi rOlaal lc an nll 1: million continuous pa sjae trains leaving Uhar' iign Urbana Apul 2ithx i fi tn nml 6:00 Oi 3i0 at ln Satmday Chestir Warren burg Civile Lester and Lois Bowman of Sjit iimii' ld spent the wetk i nd with tin mother Mrs Nannie Les lvl' Pau! Harry is ill with bronclna! trouble Misses China Wyatt ana Gladys Rice visited In Gilman Saturday Virgil Rice ot San Joso is visiting at the home of ills grandparents Mr ami Mrs 1 Rteo Ri irgil Essex and mother drov to Mills Monday '1 he latter will stay jo A is it sev et al vv Ls Misses Jessie Maxine and Gladys Rlee and Marie Vaughn attended rhe in Bloomington riday evening Xln'W was filled ind rida on account of I 'i illm ss of her daughter Mrs red jained Smith Ur Minks and son i in Champaign Saturday mtenioon Mrs ilelen Neblock and two son Ot Delavan III spent Sutrnay with her parents "Mr and Mrs A Baker Mrs Phoebe Lyons is lure eatingfoi Mrs Shi ppani lb'v 'Theobald Alva Turner Kidd Orlan Goodlmg Leonard Mitchell and Kaymoml Pickett at trmled union revival services in Le Rov riday ivennu Mr and Mrs Jmk Howell of Cham ii ii i i vi a reauvvi' su 1 Hr states lami nAm dispute! that niclt ii Hilum Hut im auu 1S vail it 1 bn ml I cos ill 1C bcm titled lumhl in emeal ilhdts yvlmh id tuc live iii' I see liiore mid more of ii I liogin mon appreciate Imvi IMS' tcrn Newspim fnlun RETURNING Ticket good for continuous pass or train4 maviit Cnicogo Snndnv April at fi and 9:55 lib Tickets good tn way Coaenes i T)'V or further mfoinmtvvn apply IIJijws mtal I is 1 UfiiCv it" is sale Dan ville pent Sunday at the homo of the foiim parents Mr and Mrs A Baker The Christian Endeavor realize om the food sale Saturday Miss Olive Jordan of spe'u tf knd na Schrock was ill several tly mid unable to take care of lo wrS at tho ieledionc switchbomd Ava Ennis to Wade IL Bland Its 1 2 and George Cidhns elat Champaign 1 Wade Bland and wife to Ava En nis It 25 I) Wilson's add Champaign $1 Amanda Idnstrum to rank Ed on burn 11 I blk 2 Assrsii 2nd mid Gifford $2v0 in i vtiig ilipsu things aiijl by1 1 mu inly mean tin I'ormil ediiciiti'il wliiih dimes from diiiols or i fur my those who i im wtiio ih symbols if a vol leu degree cfior Ih 'lr mimes June vei liitlo iipprocinlloii of ilu In tin wm hl I nman the edm iit ion si i dm iilloti tmt bh Iris ii ti'tin to observe i to the mliiiiiesl organism pf I he imerosi ope is lii mit 1 1 ul and aiid pm eth vmlorsfnnd Ing" Hut npiil'ceinl ion the Jiellltitul nntftn sfent Stindn h' ie lb lat parents Mr and Mrx Ld Shop pan! Mr and Mrs Dany Sb mpa1 re tniiied to their home in A'mboy cuin dnr having been here the aTt wiih the former's nmthvi Mis 1 Sheppard who is ill i Mi Ibolali Bat man cf Champaign visited here with her jaifi'L Mr ami Mrs Ed airlield Mr ami Mrs van Stucky are on the sill list Mr Mrs Clain(( Rice danglii of Paxton wen visitors Sunday al tho home of Mr and 1 tvice Mr am! Mrs rank Baktr ot Millstate Theatres Inc Last Times Today ground when' vvoiktd wlieii I it vras I gave tlii oxmmmilioii In course in zoology ilmf I how womlertuliml how realty bemilifnl they i I 1 i i 1V'X 1 be beneittel by tbe cist mnethmg cX 'f tle mbkd ptoUMmn ami ti tltie 11 prevention Senator Dunlap to Speak Savov Ill April (Special The April farm bureair party for mem bers ami their families wxll be held Thursday evening at the home of Mr 1 am Mrs Edwin Smalley Senator Dnnl'ip will spenk'mid a short talk will also be made Tabaka ot I IvomIuIo Euh attmnmg is I requested furnish a covered dish 4 1 4tvKi oevrini aut uiuir: rr I a 4 A goodly number from hi i )U1 )in? ani call for tbe eh'ckm dtnner at St Bonum of fni Xot onh our frricos are always the hijrlH us a call I TJhh uaiKri i Peggy Machechnie eature Plictoplay with Phyllis Haver taiLh hall Sunday evening 1 i vi i amatr enter 1 kl tt ircm iuwku dMis spent tlm wok end with her atmis at Dutlalm Miss Gladys Madden spent Monday mornmu Champaign Eil Kusterman ot Champaign spent Monday here on business Mrs Sarah Mulligan and (latlghtH iiivipn a 1 1 ended the iicl' Lynch funeral in on whii lie al lowed tile Phillies io put across runs Jess Petty guinetl his etmh I and held bin opponents or less until the last inning The Robins won 12 to 7 The St Louis Browns unde it two out ot three PACT OUR 14 Oe Urbana Saily Courier ai C1S mutiinL iMtn Rate of Sub7ptin Stly amte ypar yS By naib lU mw tWrj xonP an( beyond Editor and Bufiness Manager Managing lditor Advertising Manager to the Ri h'1'1 thil 1 lx tt 'inf III nltlKl tIie omment must pay a miU pir Unlluv in iv 1rlt jpg cimstrwi new in and pay tbe lttidW lbc tn the iicnciits cieited I 1 1 AXV ill ii the cunty were pay ne lasid thru aH eo' tr i ntructtuthu ttisniLV hrii tu VI "ol 1 rliiid I lraie When riiiie that the incretu in Dtobnilnni 1" the licnclit thue ii''' UI CNUHhlMM I to' be derived If thi R'" ought 1" be Ykaitsilr The president 'bt nt g' Lit entire expense the piotcvlmn 1" i I nn 1 1 1 I those inimeuuivi' nv percentage be as essed a It i conures Missis imd river I tcrests on a c) 1 people yet that whnt omy nd a 1( 1 'r onu'X iU 'n i nnhnKn nr ln wv Mrs 1 I Horseman and iisliurn' wt re callers in PAYING OR tQO!) CONTROL 2i: 'it has nev er me a ei)L HU' Kinic uou were the Ipve qonebctore hul il! Ousiimlry ijpplifed bis philosojihy 'j 4 A 5 lither activities ot hie ll tlioe vvlm cx Tbe Cotiriei iuted mt vestenla 11C11 it pert and Bel 1rleu lean i (i eone tnlK lpns pi n' of this same temlemy is oi vivc anTeeYY0m al ihnr itli mu the dictions const piemes Mivh as bnttom last spttnR cd i nd thit ii an' thi ho nn a finite and cotnpkte plan I ll I t1 5 i as di tinguished ft "tn liet each state M'te attempt to in its own Miy WEDNESDAY APRIL 25 1924 L'L i Leaves St Louis Hospital BnadlatuJtWl April 25 1 Sp ijl lla njbn who a li nt at theJarns Im pital hornvon ratav fjl 7 o4 '4 i XT CR i I m7 i 111 1 I Sh AZ JSA rv 4 i rjis'1 ii 14 I 1 1 I i i I 44a 1 Uh Tii Atf sJeKftV 4 javvVw Zz tPv JiA'x A iz fTl fcXW I I I i tei th iht1 1 11' ZtftW vj i io) hih! jri 11 na upnn I ill 1 1 I ih 41 1 A 'Bi' 's' te 51 it? Tv I Lw wwAc'' 7 jx I i i 1 4 4 I sandvv I dS fir 21 4J (Ea A 'X "WBCv VC I I 8.

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The Urbana Daily Courier from Urbana, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Views: 6302

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.